


I find working at Regeneris extremely rewarding, as my job centres around actively improving the quality of economic development through analytical research and advice.

Jessica Lynch

Senior Consultant

Jessica Lynch

Senior Consultant



T: 07807126346

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Office: London

Education: MA Geography, University of Cambridge. MSc Real Estate, Cass Business School.

Areas of Expertise: Land & Property, Strategy, Social and Economic Value, Economic Appraisal

Jessica joined Regeneris as a Chartered Surveyor and continues to work on land and property work. She has undertaken a project for Telford Homes to assist them in tracking the social and economic impacts of their London developments, and has worked for the Future of London on valuing placemaking and emerging approaches to assessing the impacts of regeneration. Jessica has also worked alongside architects BDP on advising Aberdeen City Council on the potential of delivering a new transformational project to provide a new impetus to the local visitor economy.

At Regeneris, Jessica works on a range of strategy work, such as a combined economy study for the London Legacy Development Corporation on the future role of Hackney Wick and Stratford as night-time economy destinations and as cultural and creative hubs. Jessica has also worked on the new Brighton & Hove Economic Strategy to better understand the city’s economy and make Brighton a more competitive and fairer place to live and work. She has undertaken work for the GLA on their Skills and Adult Education Strategy, through facilitating consultations to identify where and how the draft strategy can be strengthened to better reflect the priorities and challenges across London.

Jessica also works on a range of economic impact assessment and appraisal projects, particularly on the strategic and economic rationale for public investment. She has worked for the Scottish Government in both Edinburgh and Glasgow on this, and has also undertaken economic appraisals of bids for the South-East Midland’s Local Enterprise Partnership’s Skills Capital Funds. She has worked for Enfield Council on the economic case for early four tracking as part of Crossrail 2, assessing the economic growth benefits for the borough.

Jessica has also worked on the development of Sector Deals for both the Confederation of Paper Industries and the British Ceramics Confederation.

Outside of the office, Jessica enjoys yoga, running and a busy London social life.



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