Cultural Institutions

We assess the economic and social impact of leading arts, culture and tourist venues. Regeneris helps cultural institutions secure funding and planning permission, and we demonstrate the value they generate.

Regeneris provides the UK’s leading arts, cultural, heritage and tourist venues with independent and robust evidence on their economic and social value.

Our work has helped unlock funding and secure approval for major landmark projects to boost the cultural economy.

We apply government-endorsed techniques to quantify economic impacts and we draw on the latest developments in social value assessment to measure wider contributions to society. We ensure cultural bodies can demonstrate their value to investors, showcase their impact on the cities in which they operate, attract new sponsors and engage with local stakeholders.

Questions we help cultural institutions answer:
  • What contribution do we make to the economy and society?
  • What impact will a new or expanded venue have on the economy?
  • How can we best make the case for investment and sponsorship?
  • What is the impact and value we generate for the money we receive?
  • How can we grow our social and economic contribution in the future?



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