Transport for London and Crossrail Economic Impact

Question: What is the economic value of Transport for London’s and Crossrail’s supply chain?

Transport for London (TfL) manages most public transport in the capital as well as its major roads and spends several billion pounds each year with UK suppliers to deliver capital programmes. Crossrail was Europe’s largest infrastructure project and has involved some of the largest value contracts in UK construction history. Both outfits were keen to understand the full effects of their purchasing, employment and operations outside the capital, in the UK regions and nations.

Solution: detailed analysis of purchasing and employment

Since 2012 Regeneris has completed an annual analysis of the economic impact of TfL and Crossrail’s spending with UK suppliers. We use data from each organisation alongside our own modelling to map out their supply chain and assess their gross economic impact on employment. Our team provides TFL and Crossrail with insights into the geographic and sectoral pattern of their impact, including for all UK regions and nations.

Impact: clear insight into a major economic boost

The combined spending of both organisations generates a significant boost to the UK economy and to places outside the capital; 40% of TfL’s supply chain spending is outside London and supports over 40,000 jobs across the UK.


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