National Skills Strategy For The Science-Based Economy

Question: What should employers and government do to address the priority skill needs of the UK’s science-based industries?

A partnership of UK science-based employers competing in global markets needed to set out the future skills requirements of their sector and work with government to shape science skills policy. The Science Industry Partnership needed a forward-looking review and strategy for skills development across the science industries to identify gaps in provision and make recommendations to secure new skills for the industry.

Solution: analysing skills needs and market trends

Regeneris devised and implemented a research strategy to identify the technological, scientific and business drivers behind employers’ current and future skills needs which took account of global trends and workforce development in the next decade and beyond. Our team also engaged with senior level people in the life sciences, chemicals and industrial science arena to enhance our understanding. We also undertook extensive modelling of future skills gaps and workforce requirements for a series of different economics scenarios.

Impact: a blueprint for new learning

The evidence base and skills strategy provided a blueprint for the Science Industry Partnership’s priorities and has helped devise new training solutions from colleges, universities and other providers. Our work has also been instrumental in raising standards, embedding vocational skills, upskilling the current workforce and careers promotion, as well as a commitment from the sector to train 20,000 apprentices over the next five years.


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