Enterprise M3 Property Market Study

Question: How will new sectors and ways of working influence the property needs of business?

The Enterprise M3 LEP needed to better understand what property was available for businesses in different market areas in Hampshire and Surrey and how demand might evolve as the economy grows. The LEP was keen to explore how they can ensure the right premises types are available and identify the opportunities and challenges the Enterprise M3 commercial property market faces.

Solution: economic and market analysis on property market

Regeneris Consulting carried out extensive economic and market data analysis and consultations, including commercial property workshops to discuss and refine findings. The final study brought a new understanding of the different local property markets and the contrasting pressures they face.

Impact: new approaches to collaborative planning

Our analysis has helped local planning authorities better understand the commercial, environmental and political constraints holding back new sites for industrial development. We were also able to help EM3 better appreciate the incentives that can release more land and our conclusions have helped all partners begin to explore a planning mechanism for collective action and collaboration with other LEPs.


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