Bexley Economic Strategy

Question: How can Bexley contribute more towards London’s economic growth?

The London Borough of Bexley faces a range of social and economic challenges which have resulted in low growth. The borough wanted to become a more active and prominent contributor to London’s economy by better capitalising on opportunities such as Crossrail, river crossings and housing growth, but needed a strong framework based on evidence to guide their focus.

Solution: a bold economic growth strategy based on evidence and consultation

Regeneris was commissioned by LB Bexley to develop a bold new economic strategy to capitalise on growth opportunities in London and the wider South East. We produced the most detailed economic baseline ever undertaken in the borough which included an assessment of the health and vitality each of its town centres, an assessment of local economic specialisms and an assessment of the challenges and opportunities facing the local labour market. We complemented this with extensive consultation to identify priorities and actions which helped redefine Bexley’s approach to economic development over the next 15 years.

Output: a new perspective and greater focus on growth

The strategy process has provided Bexley with a clear route map and evidence base to help the council pursue a more growth focussed approach which captures the benefits of new housing and makes the case for new infrastructure. The strategy has provided partners with a clearer narrative on what Bexley can offer London and helped give the borough greater strategic influence with regional policy makers. Moreover, the process has triggered a fundamental change in how agencies in Bexley approach the challenges of the growth agenda.


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