
“On any given day at Hatch Regeneris, I could be supporting a local authority, a government department, a multinational corporation or a local charity. This broad experience allows me to provide the best possible service to our clients, helping them make better decisions and, ultimately, influence people and policy.”

Gemal Mekki

Senior Consultant

Gemal Mekki

Senior Consultant



T: 07749313083

T: 01612349910

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Office: Manchester
Education: BSc Economics (First), Manchester Metropolitan University; MSc Financial Economics (Distinction), University of Manchester
Areas of Expertise: Data Analysis, Economic Modelling, Housing Need, Social Value, Corporate Impact

Gemal joined Regeneris in 2014, after completing his MSc in Financial Economics at the University of Manchester. He previously spent a year in Indonesia teaching English, and gained experience of public sector Economics through his student placement in the Government Economic Service.

Gemal works on a diverse range of projects and work streams. He has particular expertise in economic and social impact modelling, housing need analysis and HM Treasury Green Book appraisals. Recently, he has led the analysis for a number of high profile corporate impact reports for the Institute of Cancer Research, Alstom UK and United Utilities. He has also supported a wide range of green book compliant business cases and appraisals, and leads the development of our housing need and employment land review models.

Gemal also leads the CSR work in the Manchester office and recently helped produce a report on the social impact of the Manchester based charity, Street Soccer Academy, in collaboration with Pro Bono Economics.

In his spare time, Gemal enjoys anything that gets him out of the house, including jogging, cycling, surfing, football and travelling.


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